‘The Recess’ competes for best award at International Sport Film Festival...
“The Recess” by Navid Nikkhah Azad is nominated for the Best Film award at the 2024 International Sport Film Festival Slovenia.
Dutch RFG KinoClub Showcases ‘No End’ by Navid Nikkhah Azad
RFG KinoClub in the Netherlands has announced a special screening of "No End," the latest film from acclaimed director Navid Nikkhah Azad, scheduled for...
‘The Recess’ Featured at Butoni Film Fest 2023
"The Recess," directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, was featured in the Butoni Film Fest's 2023 edition in Spain.
‘The Recess’ Seizes Coveted Piero Panarello Award at Corto di Sera...
"The Recess," directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, clinched the prestigious "Piero Panarello" special prize at the 2023 "Corto di Sera" International Film Festival.
Acclaimed: “The Recess” Garners Top Honor at the 2023 Garofano Rosso...
"The Recess," directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, was awarded the prestigious accolade in the FEMME program category at the 11th Garofano Rosso Film Festival...
‘The Recess’ competed at Ponme Un Corto 2023
"The Recess", directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, was showcased in the main competition of the 2023 Ponme Un Corto in Spain from August 31...
The Recess competes in KINOLUB
"The Recess" by Navid Nikkhah Azad has been selected to compete in the 8th KINOLUB: International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Poland.
The Recess competed at 2023 Sylhet Film Festival in Bangladesh
The Recess directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad competed at Sylhet Film Festival in Bangladesh.
“The Recess” wins award at Officine Social Movie 2023
"The Recess" (Spanish: El Recreo), directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, has been honored with the prestigious "Freedom of Taste" award at the 4th Officine...
“The Recess” nominated at FICEE – Festival Internacional de Cine Educativo...
“The Recess” nominated at FICEE - Festival Internacional de Cine Educativo y Espiritual de Ciudad Rodrigo in Spain: “The Recess” by Navid Nikkhah Azad...
“The Recess” at BCN Sports Film 2023
“The Recess” at BCN Sports Film 2023: “The Recess” by Navid Nikkhah Azad was selected to compete in the 2023 edition of the BCN...
“The Recess” honored at COFFI – CortOglobo Film Festival Italy
“The Recess” by Navid Nikkhah Azad has been honored with a Special Mention award at the 19th COFFI - CortOglobo Film Festival Italy.
Official website of Navid Nikkhah Azad
"The Recess" (2021) directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad has been named one of the top-rated short films of Iranian cinema in 2021-2022. Inspired by the tragic story of the self-immolated Sahar Khodayari. it has been screened in more than 160 international film festivals including FIAPF-accredited, Oscar and Goya Awards qualifying festivals and has won 32 awards.
‘The Recess’ competes for best award at International Sport Film Festival...
“The Recess” by Navid Nikkhah Azad is nominated for the Best Film award at the 2024 International Sport Film Festival Slovenia.
Dutch RFG KinoClub Showcases ‘No End’ by Navid Nikkhah Azad
RFG KinoClub in the Netherlands has announced a special screening of "No End," the latest film from acclaimed director Navid Nikkhah Azad, scheduled for...
‘The Recess’ Featured at Butoni Film Fest 2023
"The Recess," directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, was featured in the Butoni Film Fest's 2023 edition in Spain.
‘The Recess’ Seizes Coveted Piero Panarello Award at Corto di Sera...
"The Recess," directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, clinched the prestigious "Piero Panarello" special prize at the 2023 "Corto di Sera" International Film Festival.
Acclaimed: “The Recess” Garners Top Honor at the 2023 Garofano Rosso...
"The Recess," directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, was awarded the prestigious accolade in the FEMME program category at the 11th Garofano Rosso Film Festival...
‘The Recess’ competed at Ponme Un Corto 2023
"The Recess", directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, was showcased in the main competition of the 2023 Ponme Un Corto in Spain from August 31...
The Recess competes in KINOLUB
"The Recess" by Navid Nikkhah Azad has been selected to compete in the 8th KINOLUB: International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Poland.
The Recess competed at 2023 Sylhet Film Festival in Bangladesh
The Recess directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad competed at Sylhet Film Festival in Bangladesh.
“The Recess” wins award at Officine Social Movie 2023
"The Recess" (Spanish: El Recreo), directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, has been honored with the prestigious "Freedom of Taste" award at the 4th Officine...
“The Recess” nominated at FICEE – Festival Internacional de Cine Educativo...
“The Recess” nominated at FICEE - Festival Internacional de Cine Educativo y Espiritual de Ciudad Rodrigo in Spain: “The Recess” by Navid Nikkhah Azad...
“The Recess” at BCN Sports Film 2023
“The Recess” at BCN Sports Film 2023: “The Recess” by Navid Nikkhah Azad was selected to compete in the 2023 edition of the BCN...