“The Recess,” directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, clinched the prestigious “Piero Panarello” special prize at the 2023 “Corto di Sera” International Film Festival, which resonates with the theme of Human Rights, honoring the legacy of Italian diplomat Piero Panarello.
Held in Messina, Italy, from August 10-13, 2022, as part of the 11th Corto di Sera – Independent Short Film Festival, this recognition celebrates films that champion social justice.
This festival champions independent short film productions in their diverse artistic forms, serving as a platform for filmmakers, videographers, and cinema enthusiasts to converge and exchange experiences.
“The Recess,” a Spanish-Iranian short drama, has triumphed in 34 out of 166 international film festivals worldwide.
Directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad and jointly produced by Delia Guerra Parra from Spain and Mohammad Shahverdi from Iran, “The Recess” intricately narrates the true story of Sahar Khodayari, also known as the Iranian Blue Girl.
Inspired by real events, the film follows Sahar, a determined 17-year-old student who defies the ban on women entering football stadiums in Iran to attend a match between Esteghlal F.C. and Al-Ain during a school recess, showcasing her resilience in the face of societal restrictions.