“The Recess,” a Spanish-Iranian short drama directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, was featured in the student section of the Butoni Film Fest‘s 3rd edition held from November 2-5, 2023, in Valencia, Spain.
The Butoni Fest is an international cultural gathering that attracts diverse talents and films from around the world, offering a platform for filmmakers to showcase their works.
“The Recess,” has garnered recognition, being officially selected in 166 international film festivals, including prestigious FIAPF-accredited, Goya Awards qualifying, and Academy Award® qualifying festivals globally. Its remarkable journey boasts 34 awards.
Under the direction of Navid Nikkhah Azad and produced by Navid Nikkhah Azad alongside the Spanish producer Delia Guerra Parra and the Iranian producer Mohammad Shahverdy, “The Recess” intricately portrays the narrative inspired by the life of Sahar Khodayari, known as the Iranian Blue Girl.
Drawing inspiration from factual events, the film centers on Sahar, a determined 17-year-old student. Sahar’s unwavering resolve leads her to defy the ban on women entering football stadiums in Iran, compelling her to skip high school during recess to witness a football match between Esteghlal F.C. vs. Al-Ain, a significant fixture in the AFC Champions League.